USD 7.60
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Birthday is a heavenly gift. It is a day to celebrate and strengthen the bond among families and friends. I love a quote from Oprah Winfrey which says “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” It is also a day to mark the beginning of the history of the individuals. Living with love, care and thanks is what we give ourselves the best birthday gift. Birthday Dada was written in 2007 premiered by my HKDuo partner Hui Ling. From the jubilant opening with the palm and forearm clusters, emerges the fragments of the well-known birthday tune weaving with Chinese music elements. These fragments soon extend into a complete birthday tune, which is somehow being twisted, bringing the music into the dreamy section that holds all the glittering birthday wishes. The music ends with the jubilant bells again where the complete birthday tune recapitulates in a way close to its original version.